Discover the transformative benefits of Compression Therapy at Awaken Wellness and Recovery, featuring the renowned NormaTec Compression System. Renowned for its advanced technology, NormaTec provides a dynamic compression experience that is a favorite among athletes and wellness enthusiasts alike. This therapy utilizes precise air pressure to enhance blood flow, expedite muscle recovery, and alleviate soreness, offering a superior approach to physical rejuvenation. The NormaTec system is specifically designed to target different areas of the body, optimizing lymphatic drainage and reducing inflammation. This not only aids in rapid recovery from workouts but also offers relief from chronic conditions and boosts overall circulatory health. With its customizable settings and comfortable design, NormaTec Compression Therapy at our center caters to your individual needs, whether you’re recovering from intense physical exertion, seeking relief from discomfort, or looking to enhance your body’s natural recovery processes. Step into the future of recovery and wellness with our NormaTec Compression Therapy – a key component of a comprehensive wellness regimen at Awaken Wellness and Recovery.



  • Our Compression Therapy includes full leg, hip and lower back, and full arm attachments, each meticulously designed to target specific areas, ensuring comprehensive and focused relief.

  • Featuring NormaTec's pioneering Pulse Massage Pattern, our therapy delivers a unique and effective compression experience, significantly enhancing circulation and recovery speed.

  • With easily adjustable intensity levels and customizable session durations, our Compression Therapy adapts to individual needs, offering a perfectly tailored recovery experience for every user.

At Awaken Wellness and Recovery, we take pride in offering a superior recovery experience through our advanced Compression Therapy, featuring the state-of-the-art NormaTec technology. This system encompasses specialized attachments designed for full legs, hips, lower back, and arms, allowing for a targeted approach to addressing various body areas and specific recovery needs. The essence of our therapy lies in NormaTec's innovative Pulse Massage Pattern technology, which brilliantly combines pulsing, gradients, and distal release to mimic the natural rhythms of the body's muscle movements.

The pulsing mechanism is a key feature, effectively mobilizing fluid in the limbs, akin to the body’s own muscular contractions, thereby enhancing the movement of fluids and metabolites out of the limbs. This is particularly beneficial following intense physical activity or in recovery from injuries. The gradient holds are meticulously calibrated to apply varying pressures along the limb, ensuring optimal blood flow and lymphatic drainage, crucial for reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery. The distal release function ensures that each section of the limb receives the maximum therapeutic benefit without the risk of backflow, allowing for a more efficient and comfortable recovery process.

This comprehensive method not only accelerates muscle recovery and reduces soreness but also contributes significantly to overall circulatory health. It's especially advantageous for athletes looking to enhance their performance and reduce downtime, as well as for individuals recovering from physical strain, surgery, or seeking to improve general wellness. Our Compression Therapy with NormaTec at Awaken Wellness and Recovery is more than just a treatment; it's a personalized journey to rejuvenation, combining the latest in recovery science with individual care to provide an unmatched, holistic healing experience.


  • The therapy starts by enveloping the targeted limbs (legs, arms, hips) in specialized compression devices. These devices apply calibrated, controlled pressure to the area, similar to a firm, rhythmic massage.

  • The compression follows a sequential pattern, starting distally (farthest from the core) and moving proximally (closer to the core). This pattern is designed to mimic natural muscle contractions, promoting the movement of blood and lymphatic fluids back toward the heart.

  • The pressure aids in improving circulation, driving blood flow enriched with oxygen and nutrients back to the muscles and tissues. This process is crucial for healing and recovery.

  • Compression Therapy is particularly effective in stimulating the lymphatic system, crucial for removing waste products, excess fluid, and toxins from the body.

  • The therapy effectively reduces swelling and edema, particularly in the limbs, by encouraging the dispersion and drainage of fluid buildup.

  • The improved circulation and lymphatic flow help alleviate muscle soreness and accelerate recovery from muscle fatigue, particularly after intense physical activity.

  • Regular use of Compression Therapy can aid in injury recovery and prevention by maintaining healthy blood flow and reducing the risk of circulatory issues.

  • The therapy can improve flexibility and joint health by gently stretching the limbs and surrounding tissues, reducing the risk of strains and sprains.

  • After a session, clients often experience a feeling of lightness and relief in the treated areas, with reduced sensations of heaviness and fatigue.

  • Over time, regular sessions can contribute to overall wellness, improved athletic performance, and reduced recovery times, making it an integral part of a holistic health regimen.




  • Short Answer: It's essential for enhancing circulation and accelerating recovery.

    Compression Therapy is a vital component of a comprehensive wellness routine due to its ability to significantly enhance blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This is crucial not only for athletes looking to speed up muscle recovery and improve performance but also for anyone seeking to alleviate daily fatigue, reduce swelling, and promote overall physical well-being. Regular sessions can help maintain optimal circulatory health, which is a cornerstone of physical fitness and general health.

  • Short Answer: Conditions like muscle soreness, lymphedema, and poor circulation.

    Compression Therapy is particularly beneficial for a range of conditions. It's excellent for athletes experiencing muscle soreness or fatigue, individuals with lymphedema needing enhanced lymphatic drainage, and anyone suffering from poor circulation. It's also helpful for those recovering from surgeries, as it can reduce swelling and promote healing.

  • Short Answer: NormaTec offers advanced, patented technology for more effective results.

    The NormaTec system stands out from other compression therapy brands due to its patented Pulse Massage Pattern technology. Unlike traditional compression systems that simply squeeze, NormaTec mimics the natural muscle pump of the body, greatly enhancing blood flow and lymphatic fluid movement. This results in more effective recovery and therapeutic results. Additionally, its design and customizable settings allow for a more personalized and comfortable experience, making it the preferred choice for professional athletes and rehabilitation experts.

  • Short Answer: Generally, yes, but those with certain medical conditions should consult a doctor first.

    While Compression Therapy is safe for most people, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as deep vein thrombosis, severe peripheral neuropathy, or skin infections in the area to be treated, should consult their healthcare provider before starting therapy. It's also not recommended for pregnant women without medical advice.

  • Short Answer: We offer both 15-minute and 30-minute session options.

    At Awaken Wellness and Recovery, we provide flexible session durations for Compression Therapy to suit various needs and schedules. Clients can choose between a quick 15-minute session, ideal for a rapid recovery boost, or a more extensive 30-minute session for deeper therapeutic benefits. This flexibility allows clients to integrate Compression Therapy seamlessly into their wellness routines, regardless of their time constraints.

  • Short Answer: A comfortable experience with a sensation of rhythmic pressure on the treated areas.

    During a Compression Therapy session, you'll feel a gentle but firm rhythmic pressure along the treated limbs or body areas. This sensation is created by the inflating and deflating of the NormaTec attachments. The pressure intensity can be adjusted for comfort, making the experience both effective and relaxing. Most people find it to be a soothing experience and leave feeling refreshed and less tense.

  • Short Answer: Yes, it aids in muscle recovery and reduces soreness, enhancing athletic performance.

    Compression Therapy is highly beneficial for athletes. It aids in rapid muscle recovery following intense workouts or competitions by enhancing blood flow and reducing muscle soreness and fatigue. This not only helps in better performance but also reduces the risk of injuries. Regular sessions can lead to improved training results and a quicker return to peak performance levels.

  • Short Answer: Side effects are rare but may include temporary discomfort or numbness.

    Side effects from Compression Therapy are uncommon and usually minor. Some individuals might experience temporary discomfort or numbness if the pressure setting is too high. It’s important to communicate with the therapist to adjust the pressure for comfort. Ensuring proper positioning and using the device as directed typically results in a safe and beneficial experience.

  • Short Answer: Yes, it's effective in reducing swelling and promoting healing in injured areas.

    Compression Therapy is often used as part of injury recovery protocols. The therapy helps reduce swelling and inflammation in injured areas, which are key factors in speeding up the healing process. By enhancing blood flow and lymphatic drainage, it supports the body's natural healing mechanisms and can be particularly beneficial for sports injuries, post-surgical recovery, and other physical traumas.

  • Short Answer: Wear comfortable clothing and ensure the treated area is clean.

    To prepare for a Compression Therapy session, it's best to wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the area being treated. Make sure the area is clean and free of any lotions or oils, as these can affect the efficacy of the treatment. It's also advisable to be well-hydrated before the session to enhance the therapy's benefits.