Discover the synergy of Red Light and Halotherapy at Awaken Wellness and Recovery, a unique 'holistic healing' experience. This exclusive session merges the soothing effects of 'red light therapy' with the purifying qualities of 'salt therapy benefits'. Step into an innovative and captivating treatment that promises to elevate your health and well-being. Perfect for those seeking 'advanced wellness therapies,' this therapy invites you to explore its unique benefits and rejuvenate in a serene, transformative environment.



  • The Vitality Booth uniquely offers both Red Light Therapy and Halotherapy in a single session, enhancing therapeutic benefits.

  • Utilizes specific red and near-infrared light wavelengths for deep skin and tissue rejuvenation.

  • Provides full-body coverage, surpassing traditional red light beds for comprehensive treatment.

The Vitality Booth stands as a pioneering advancement in the realm of Red Light Therapy, setting a new standard for wellness treatments. Unlike traditional red light options, the Vitality Booth offers a dual-therapy experience, seamlessly integrating Red Light Therapy with the therapeutic benefits of Halotherapy. This unique combination allows for a more comprehensive treatment, addressing both skin rejuvenation and respiratory health simultaneously, a feature not found in conventional red light beds. Furthermore, the booth is equipped with advanced technology that emits specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light, targeting deeper layers of skin and tissue for enhanced cellular repair and rejuvenation. This targeted approach ensures a more effective and thorough treatment compared to standard red light solutions. Additionally, the Vitality Booth provides full-body coverage, ensuring that every part of the body reaps the benefits of the therapy, which is a significant upgrade over the partial coverage offered by many traditional red light therapies. This holistic, all-encompassing treatment approach positions the Vitality Booth as the superior choice for those seeking the most advanced and effective Red Light Therapy experience.


  • When you start a Red Light Therapy session, your skin absorbs the red and near-infrared light wavelengths. These wavelengths penetrate the skin at different depths, affecting both superficial and deeper tissues.

  • The light energy is absorbed by mitochondria, the cell's powerhouse. This stimulation increases the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), enhancing cellular energy and promoting repair and rejuvenation.

  • The therapy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, essential proteins for skin elasticity and health. This leads to visible improvements in skin texture, reduction in fine lines, and faster healing of skin issues.

  • Red Light Therapy helps reduce inflammation and pain, making it beneficial for managing conditions like arthritis, muscle soreness, and other inflammatory conditions.

  • The therapy promotes vasodilation, or the widening of blood vessels, which improves blood flow and enhances tissue repair and regeneration.

  • The therapy accelerates skin healing, aids in the treatment of acne, eczema, and other skin conditions, and generally improves skin health and appearance.

  • The increased circulation and reduced inflammation significantly aid in muscle recovery and joint health, especially beneficial for athletes and those with chronic joint conditions.

  • Exposure to red light can improve mood and cognitive function due to increased blood flow to the brain and potential impact on neurotransmitters.

  • Red Light Therapy can influence melatonin production and help regulate circadian rhythms, potentially improving sleep quality.

  • Regular sessions can lead to cumulative health benefits, including sustained improvements in skin health, pain reduction, and overall physical and mental well-being.




  • Short Answer: It's a therapy using red and near-infrared light for skin and health benefits.

    Red Light Therapy in the Vitality Booth utilizes specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to penetrate the skin and tissues. This process stimulates cellular repair and regeneration, offering benefits like improved skin health, reduced inflammation, and enhanced muscle recovery.

  • Short Answer: The booth combines red light with Halotherapy for added benefits.

    The Vitality Booth enhances the traditional Red Light Therapy experience by combining it with Halotherapy. This unique fusion amplifies the health benefits, leveraging the therapeutic properties of salt aerosol for respiratory health, along with the rejuvenating effects of red light on the skin and body.

  • Short Answer: Benefits include skin rejuvenation, muscle recovery, and improved overall wellness.

    Red Light Therapy offers numerous benefits, such as stimulating collagen production for anti-aging and skin rejuvenation, accelerating muscle recovery, reducing joint pain, and enhancing blood circulation. It also aids in improving sleep quality, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, and boosting overall energy levels.

  • Short Answer: Generally, yes, but individuals with specific health conditions should consult a doctor.

    Red Light Therapy is safe for most people as it’s non-invasive and doesn't use harmful UV rays. However, individuals with photosensitive skin, certain skin conditions, or those taking medications that increase light sensitivity should consult with a healthcare provider before beginning treatment.

  • Short Answer: Typically, sessions last between 10 to 20 minutes.

    A standard Red Light Therapy session in the Vitality Booth usually lasts from 10 to 20 minutes. The exact duration can depend on the specific health goals and conditions being treated. Consistent sessions are recommended for the best results.

  • Short Answer: Yes, it's effective in reducing pain and inflammation.

    Red Light Therapy is particularly effective in reducing inflammation and pain, including conditions like arthritis, muscle strains, and back pain. The light penetrates deep into tissues, reducing inflammation at the cellular level and promoting healing.

  • Short Answer: A relaxing experience in a comfortable, controlled environment.

    During a Red Light Therapy session, you'll be exposed to red and near-infrared light in a controlled, comfortable environment. The experience is relaxing and pain-free, with many people feeling a gentle, soothing warmth. There’s no need for special preparations, and you can return to your normal activities immediately after the session.

  • Short Answer: It varies, but generally 2-3 times a week is recommended.

    The frequency of Red Light Therapy sessions in the Vitality Booth can vary based on individual health goals and conditions. For general wellness and skin health, 2-3 times a week is typically recommended. For more specific or acute conditions, more frequent sessions may be beneficial. It’s always best to start with a consultation to determine the most effective treatment plan for your needs.

  • Short Answer: Yes, it can positively impact mood and mental health.

    Red Light Therapy has been shown to positively affect mood and mental health. The exposure to red and near-infrared light can help regulate circadian rhythms, potentially improving sleep patterns. Additionally, it can boost serotonin production, a neurotransmitter associated with mood elevation. These effects can contribute to reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, leading to overall improvements in mental well-being.

  • Short Answer: Immediate effects can include a feeling of relaxation and a subtle glow in the skin.

    Right after a Red Light Therapy session, many people report feeling deeply relaxed and rejuvenated. You might also notice a subtle glow to your skin, due to the increased circulation and collagen stimulation. Some immediate pain relief in muscles or joints is also possible, though results can vary. Long-term benefits typically become more evident with regular sessions.